Welcome to Day 1,901.

Today is even more lighter than yesterday for site news, so let's begin.

First up, in the first of three Land Of Infusion news items, Tier 12 has been renamed Cre-eighter!, a tier where the movie "The Creator" must run the table against the movies that are/will be in that tier, so that it can get an overall Catch-22 Hundred spot.

In news pertaining to the Art Infliction/Spenny product line, the "Beat Of Morgan Rose's Drums T-Shirt, Unisex" has launched via Customized Girl.

Bloopers has updated, as has its manual counter.

And finally, in the other Land Of Infusion news items, the following updates have occurred:

  • Following its assessment, Watermelon Man was placed in both the renamed Tier 12 and Tier 7
  • Following its re-assessment, Breaking has defeated Watermelon Man in the Tier 12 standings, thus eliminating the 1970 movie from foreseeable Catch-22 Hundred contention. Plus, it has also been placed in Tier 7

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.

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